University Support

Genesis of the project:

At the end of the school year 2024, several of the children who were in the secondary school program that FCMET has supported since 2016, had aspirations to continue their studies to university level.

The schools’ program has been successful in, for the most part, keeping the orphans safe despite terrorist activities continuing in the region.  Furthermore, a number of them have become Christians and found healing and peace towards God and the killers of their parents.

Project aim: To support further some of some orphaned children currently in secondary schools:

  • who have shown resilience, strength of moral character, commitment to following Jesus Christ and His teachings and to serving in the Democratic Republic of Congo;
  • who have demonstrated a sense of responsibility and servanthood;
  • who have succeeded academically and who are passionate about continuing their studies at University; but
  • lack the financial means

to undertake and succeed in a 4 year degree at the Christian University in Beni (‘UCBC’) with both sufficient financial support and pastoral care.

It has been wonderful to hear some of the children expressing a desire to study further and to take on more responsibilities. In consultation with Daniel Masumbuko and his team, we believe some of the orphans will be capable of succeeding at the UCBC.

  • UCBC has values and goals consistent with FCMET:
  • The orphans will not have to travel far to attend UCBC since they either already live in Beni or Oicha (10 miles away).
  • The University chaplaincy team is already helping oversee the school’s program, has established safeguarding procedures, knows the orphans well, and will continue to support them including help arranging any necessary accommodation.

Selection criteria:

  • The students will be orphans in the Beni/Oicha areas currently in secondary schools supported by FCMET.
  • They will have passed their final secondary school exams.
  • A suitable character assessment will have been made by Daniel Masumbuko and his team.
  • Academic criteria set by the university will have been achieved; and
  • The orphans will have the support of their host families to go to UCBC.

Project needs:

  • Financial:

There are both initial one-off costs:

  • Computer, bedding, clothes and backpacks: £250* per student; and
    • Equipping the houses with solar panels, bunk beds and kitchen utensils:£800* per house (each house to be single-sex and to accommodate up to 6 students).

and annual costs of £1,200* for 4 years for tuition, food, subsistence and rent.

  • Pastoral: the students will be cared for by the chaplaincy team at UCBC which is headed up by Daniel Masumbuko.

*Based on 6 students sharing a house which allows for economies of scale. Costs will be higher in initial years if student numbers are lower.


Annual reports for each student covering academic, emotional and spiritual progress will be provided by the UCBC chaplaincy.FCMET will provide reports to donors, at least annually, on the overall funding of the project and a summary of students’ progress academically, emotionally and spiritually.

Interviews with potential candidates:

Click on the short video below to hear the stories of some of the students hoping to go to university in 2024.