Giving to Friends of CME Trust

The Charity has no operating costs so all of your gift will go to CME. Unless you tell us otherwise, your gift will be used to support our projects at the discretion of the Trustees. A small amount from the UK goes a long way in the DRC. The items outlined below are the major areas where we currently support CME and / or related projects in the DRC. You can give to us directly via:

NatWest bank, Account name: Friends of CME Trust, Sort Code: 60-12-45, Account Number 34512004

or CLICK ON THE BUTTON BELOW to give via Stewardship Services:

Sponsor-a-bed hospital

Each hospital bed costs about £1 a day to run. Patients receive no help to pay for their bed and there is no Government support for them or the hospital. The funds received will be used to provide subsidised health care for the most vulnerable patients identified by hospital doctors and nurses.

Essential medicines and operations

This help comprises grants to pay for operations and essential medicines which is allocated to the most-needy by the hospital doctors and nurses. CME has been able to help thousands of patients over the years. In 2022, with our support, 136 patients at Nyankunde and 110 at Beni/Sose received financial help across all ages and sexes.

School and food support for Beni / Oicha orphans

Since 2016, we have also supported orphans from the Beni area who have lost their parents in militia attacks. Many of these children have been severely traumatised and, therefore, they need and receive counselling; some were rescued from captivity as child soldiers. In addition, the foster families receive help to pay for school fees, school uniforms and materials. Early on in the program, we also found that the children were not thriving at school because they were so hungry. So we provided a daily meal for the family.

Orphan’s exams at Nyankunde area schools

Since 2013, we have focused on orphans at Nyankunde – ensuring that families looking after them didn’t have to pay the final exam fees which can be as much as a month’s salary. We have provided £30,000 for 1,812 children to take these exams which are so critical for their future job prospects. The photo shows the primary school children queuing to take their recent exams in August.

Orphans families university support

Project needs:

  • Financial:

There are both initial one-off costs:

  • Computer, bedding, clothes and backpacks: £250 per student; and
    • Equipping the houses with solar panels, bunk beds and kitchen utensils:£800* per house (each house to be single-sex and to accommodate up to 6 students).

and annual costs of £1,200 for 4 years for tuition, food, subsistence and rent.

Giving ideas

Adopt-a-bed for £30 a month

This would go to our Sponsor-a-bed hospital Fund and the monies received will be used to provide subsidised health care for the most vulnerable patients.

Patient consultations and operations

These funds would also form part of our Sponsor-a-bed hospital Fund but be used for essential medicines and operations.

£11 a month to educate and feed an orphan

These monies would go into Beni / Oicha orphans Fund and help to pay for school fees, school uniforms and materials and a daily meal for the family who care for the orphans.

£25 to pay for orphans’ exam fees at Nyankunde

These gifts would go to our Nyankunde area schools Fund, ensuring that families looking after orphans at Nyankunde don’t have to pay the final exam fees. For these families it can be as much as a month’s salary and so it is tempting to ask the children to forego these exams but they are critical for their future job prospects.

£1,050 to provide equipment to house and a computer for a university student

This will provide a metal bed, table, chair, kitchen utensils and a laptop to help the student during their 4 year degree course.

£1,200 for 4 years for tuition, food, subsistence and rent for a university student.